Eligibility for Visa

Conference Organized by Government Department etc.:

A Conference visa is granted to a foreigner whose sole objective of visiting India is to attend a conference /seminar or workshop being held in India, Mission/Posts are authorized to issue Conference visas to delegates on production of an invitation to a conference/seminar/workshop being organized in India by a Ministry or Department of the Government of India, State Governments or UT administrations, Public Sector Undertakings, Central Educational Institutions, Public Funded Universities (list of such institutions are Available on the website and the websites of the University Grants Commission and Association of Indian Universities), or an organization owned and controlled by the Government of India or any State Government/ UT, United Nations or its specialized agencies.

Conference Organized by NGOs:

In case of Conference being organized by NGOs the following would be the requirement for issue of Conference Visa:

  • Approval from Nodal/ Line Ministry of the Central Government or;
  • Approval from Nodal/ Line Ministry of the State Government and
  • Invitation for Conference from the organizer.

However, Ministry’s approval would be required for all conference visas to foreigners participating in conferences/ seminars/ workshops etc. in the following cases: -

  • Participants from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistani origin and Stateless persons; and
  • Participants of conferences/seminars/workshops who are required to visit 'Restricted' or 'Protected' areas in India,
  • Or areas affected by terrorism, militancy and extremism etc. viz. Jammu & Kashmir and the North Eastern States. 

Documents required            

  • Original Passport valid for a minimum period of six months
  • Two recent Passport size photographs with white/light background showing full frontal view of the face without dark/colored glasses
  • Online Visa Application Form to be completed at and print & sign for submission to the Embassy.
  • Letter of Invitation from organizers in India;
  • Clearances from competent authorities in India for holding the conference
  • Confirmation on travel - air ticket etc

Note: All nationals visiting from Republic of Congo to India need Yellow Fever Vaccination card