Eligibility for Visa

Applicants wishing to visit India for medical treatment should apply for Medical Visa (MV). Medical Visa is issued on the basis preliminary medical advice from the country of origin/residence and has been advised to go for specialized treatment. Person accompanying the patient would be issued Medical Attendant Visa (MX). Medical Visa would generally be issued up to 1 year or the period of treatment whichever is less. All applicants visiting India on medical visa are required to get registered within 14 days of arrival with concerned Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO).

Duration of Visa

Up to 6 months/single or multiple entry

More than 6 months and up to 1 year/multiple entry

Documents required

  • Original Passport together with the copy of the relevant pages of the passport (valid for a minimum period of six months)
  • Copy of the national Identity Card /copy of residence permit in case of a foreigner
  • Two recent Passport size photographs showing full frontal view of the face without dark/colored glasses
  • Online Visa Application Form to be completed at and print & sign for submission to the Embassy.
  • Copy of the national Identity Card /copy of residence permit in case of a foreigner
  • Medical documents establishing the need for taking medical treatment in India. Medical Reports translated in English / Hospital or doctor’s Reference/s
  • Proof of availability of sufficient funds for stay in India including the expenses for medical treatment by producing documents such as Bank statement, Salary certificate, sponsorship letter etc
  • A letter of Admission from the recognized hospital/doctor in India.
  • Reservation on accommodation/ air ticket

 Note: All nationals visiting from Republic of Congo to India need Yellow Fever Vaccination card

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