Embassy of India



Reissue (New Passport Booklet) for minor- Requirements

  • Original Passport (including subsequent additional booklets if any)
  • New Passport form duly signed by both parents (Child should affix his/her signature or thumb impression in the “Signature Boxes”)
  • 3 latest passport size photographs (Please See photo requirement document)
  • Copy of residence permit/resident permit
  • Passport copies of both parents with their names on each other's passport
  • If the existing passport has expired more than 1 year ago, a Form-I is to be filled.
  • Declaration form from both the parents
  • Note:  THE CHILD SHOULD BE PHYSICALLY PRESENT in the country of application AT THE TIME OF SEEKING PASSPORT SERVICE.  Under no circumstances should the parents try to obtain passport service for a child who is not present in the Republic of Congo.

Birth Registration & New Passport for New Born Child - Requirements

(Every child who is born to Indian parent(s) in the Republic of Congo is issued a separate Passport.  It is not possible to include the child’s name in the Passport of mother or father. The birth of every child born in the Republic of Congo to Indian parent(s) is required to be registered with the Embassy of India, Brazzaville. A Birth Certificate is issued by the Embassy to the child after registering his/her name as an Indian national and a separate Passport is issued to the New Born child)

  • Birth certificate from the hospital and concerned local authority along with its English translation
  • Duly filled Birth registration application and Certificate of Entry forms (Birth certificate should be filled in duplicate 
  • New Passport form duly signed by both parents (Child's thumb impression should be affixed in the “Signature Boxes”)
  • Father’s/Mother’s passport with their names on each other's passport.
  • Photocopy of Father’s and Mother’s Passport
  • Copy of marriage certificate self-attested by both parents or by Home/GA Department of the State Government concerned if husband’s name is not included in wife’s passport
  • Four (4) passport size photographs of the child.
  • Affidavit of Parents for Separate Passport in favor of Minor Child as per Annexure D – (to be signed by both parents if residing in ROC),


  • Affidavit signed by one parent if the other parent’s signature cannot be obtained,


  • Affidavits if one parent is a non-Indian
  • If the minor has single parent/legal guardian and details of both parents cannot be submitted, please submit Annexure C

Note: All Indian nationals living in the Republic of Congo are informed that they should register the birth of their children within one-year of birth in order to get an Indian Passport issued to them. It may be noted that a delay beyond one-year may create problems in automatic acquisition of Indian citizenship and issuance of an Indian passports for their children. 

[Note: List of documents given above for different services is not exhaustive. Competent authority may require applicant to submit any other document(s), if the same is considered absolutely essential and in that case(s) may also ask the applicant to present himself in person.

Form K for Birth registration.

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