Events/Photo Gallery

As part of AKAM celebrations, Embassy organised free eye check-up camp in association with SECUREX Medical Clinic in the Chancery on 4th June. Many local Congolese and members of Indian diaspora availed the services.

June 04, 2023

As part of AKAM celebrations, Embassy organised free eye check-up camp in association with SECUREX Medical Clinic in the Chancery on 4th June. Many local Congolese and members of Indian diaspora availed the services.
As part of AKAM celebrations, Embassy organised free eye check-up camp in association with SECUREX Medical Clinic in the Chancery on 4th June. Many local Congolese and members of Indian diaspora availed the services.
As part of AKAM celebrations, Embassy organised free eye check-up camp in association with SECUREX Medical Clinic in the Chancery on 4th June. Many local Congolese and members of Indian diaspora availed the services.
As part of AKAM celebrations, Embassy organised free eye check-up camp in association with SECUREX Medical Clinic in the Chancery on 4th June. Many local Congolese and members of Indian diaspora availed the services.

Dans le cadre des célébrations de l'AKAM, l'ambassade a organisé une campgne de campagne de consultation ophtalmologique gratuite en association avec SECUREX, ce 4 juin à la chancellerie. De nombreux Congolais et membres de la diaspora indienne ont profité de ces services.

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