Events/Photo Gallery

Shri N.Venkataraman, Charge d'Affaires made a courtesy call on Mayor of Oyo, Mr. Gaston YOKA in his office on 17 February, 2023. He discussed the progress of the GOI Line of Credit funded project of US$ 70 million of Rural Electrification from Oyo to Mossaka.

February 18, 2023

Shri N.Venkataraman, Charge d'Affaires made a courtesy call on Mayor of Oyo, Mr. Gaston YOKA in his office on 17 February, 2023. He discussed the progress of the GOI Line of Credit funded project of US$ 70 million of Rural Electrification from Oyo to Mossaka.
Shri N.Venkataraman, Charge d'Affaires made a courtesy call on Mayor of Oyo, Mr. Gaston YOKA in his office on 17 February, 2023. He discussed the progress of the GOI Line of Credit funded project of US$ 70 million of Rural Electrification from Oyo to Mossaka.
Shri N.Venkataraman, Charge d'Affaires made a courtesy call on Mayor of Oyo, Mr. Gaston YOKA in his office on 17 February, 2023. He discussed the progress of the GOI Line of Credit funded project of US$ 70 million of Rural Electrification from Oyo to Mossaka.
Shri N.Venkataraman, Charge d'Affaires made a courtesy call on Mayor of Oyo, Mr. Gaston YOKA in his office on 17 February, 2023. He discussed the progress of the GOI Line of Credit funded project of US$ 70 million of Rural Electrification from Oyo to Mossaka.

Shri N.Venkataraman, Chargé d'Affaires a rendu une visite de courtoisie au Maire d'Oyo, M. Gaston YOKA ce 17 février 2023. Ils ont discuté de l'avancement du projet d'électrification rurale d'Oyo à Mossaka, financé par la ligne de crédit du gouvernement indien à hauteur de 70 millions de dollars.

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